Wildlife on the River Cam
Guidelines to Rowers / Scullers and Event Organisers
- Clubs are strongly advised that, where possible, all craft should avoid turning in close proximity to nests. CRA and CUCBC will endeavour to inform clubs of nest locations.
- Clubs should avoid, where possible, doing pieces past established and active nest sites. For example, if a nest is established on Ditton Corner, shorter pieces from the A14 bridge to the Plough, and another down the Reach, are preferable to a shorter piece from the Plough to the Railway Bridge past the nest. However it is accepted that longer pieces of lengths greater than 1500m require the use of the full length of the rowable stretch at race pace. Clubs are must consider nest locations when planning outings.
- Moving the start or finish of a race, if near established and active nest sites, should be considered and carried out wherever practicable.
- Coaches and bank parties need to be aware of wildlife at all times, particularly young birds, and should warn crews if they feel a collision is imminent so that preventative action can be
- During rowing events CUCBC and the CRA will advise marshals and competitors where problem areas exist, in particular active nesting site, before each event. They will also designate specified marshals for patrolling these areas.
- In order for a complete picture to be built up, any incidents or near misses involving wildlife must be reported to the dedicated email address camwildlife@gmail.com which notifies Conservancy staff, and CRA and CUCBC officials, so that accurate records can be kept.
Any wildlife in immediate distress should be reported to the RSPCA: 0300 1234 999