One a fine sunny Sunday in autumn a variety of Chesterton crews headed downriver, halting not at Bates Bite but yet continuing to The Bridge at Clayhithe, where we had a pint or two.

Simon E was the Evil Genius behind the plan.
A couple of notes may be worth noting, for those thinking of similar. Firstly, the edge at the Bridge has been raised along most of the length, so apart from the bit at the end, under the willow, getting in is really quite awkward, as some of the pix show. And the “low” section is only really long enough for a IV - as you’ll notice the VIII parked opposite, and that somewhat uneasily. Second, the pub itself didn’t seem desperately rower-friendly. They sold us drinks, but - perhaps this was only over the phone beforehand - didn’t seem keen. Well, no matter, it was sunny and we sat outside.