Bumps 2019, day 3

The relentless bumping action continues…

M3: rest day

M2: up. Blog. Vid (1/4 length up after 6 strokes; down to a length at 10; 1/2 length at 20; 3 whistles at 30; overlap at 46 (you’re slowing down boyz…); very late concede from City at 63 with Chris sternly telling their cox to be sensible).

M1: row-over (but a good one, you understand). Vid.

W1: down. Vid. Slowmo of start.

W2: up

W3: up (no vid :-)

Image sources: many, culled from facebook.

Of M1: another smooth row-down, a few drops of rain nothing to worry about, time to relax-aka-stress before the four-minute gun, and the one minute has gone and I remember to take my tech-top off so that usefully gets me to 45 seconds, push off, maybe we’re pointing out a bit too much but we get a smooth start anyway and the race is on again. With day one gone the stress is less (good; but also I need to remember that the “fun” of that uncertainty is only there for a day, savour it while it lasts) and City dutifully fall back (possibly they try a charge off the start but if so it comes to nothing) and it all feels good but there are no whistles… this isn’t totally unexpected as we’re not really hoping to get them before the reach, possibly this is a mistake. After Grassy it gets really bumpy for a bit, but it isn’t until we’re on the Reach that we really start trying to reel them in. By the bridge we’re down to 3/4, but that’s not quite enough… Bowriggercam vid.